First things first: Zero points for subtlety 🙂
The last dl of the formerly Dixie Chicks in my library is the video of Not Ready to Make Nice from the 2006 release Taking the Long Way. I for one was not in the camp of haters who decided these ladies needed to shut up and sing. It was the near crescendo of W’s stint. A time that seems almost quaint in comparison to today’s polarized politics.
Fast forward fourteen years and say hello to Gaslighter
I really wanted to like the title track, especially given the subject matter, but it’s just too formulaic pop. The tracks that follow, Sleep at Night and Texas Man, more than make up for that with heaps of energetic originality.
Then it’s country ballad time with Natalie out in front on For Her.
Simmering March March wraps up the first half of the release.
Hope It’s Something Good is the standout vocal harmony for me.
Probably not a full dl but I will be snagging a lot of tracks.
Last thing last: I get the band renaming as a walk-the-walk thing, but retroactively renaming previous releases is a digital sleight of hand which would not have been possible in an earlier time. It just feels a little overdone.
At least they did not attempt to alter the cover art!